Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 4

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

"Biggest delusion you need to handle in life is that there is "something other than you". Everything exists IS you. Handling that delusion is very important. For that you have to know what or who as "other than you" and why you feel them as other than you. A bamboo floating in the Ganga can appear to split Ganga into two. But Ganga never became too. It is our enmity that makes it look like you and the other. Who you feel as your opponent or enemy or other.. and why you feel. When you go into it you will see the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern. 

Listen deeply! 

This is the principle through which you can experience Advaita - doing more and more completion with your desperation and anxiety. The good news is that, all the thoughts that can be completed just by one more thought - mere will - of "I need to complete" are the ones that cause desperation and anxiety. The root patterns that you need to complete are the real villains. Your anxiety and desperation are not real villains. They are just superficial. They are passer-by thoughts. The deepest delusion like "you exist separately from something" or "something exists separately from you" - which is the root case of your birth itself, only those patterns are villains with whom you have to fight.

When you complete with desperation and anxiety three things will happen 1) you will be sure about you 2) you will know who is your enemy and 3) why you feel enmity towards him or he feels enmity towards you. When you diagnose why you are afraid of your opponent, that reason - you are afraid they may kill you, put you in prison, take away your wealth, your peace, your family - whatever is the fear you are afraid, it is due that fear you will be torturing you more than your enemy torturing you. When you complete with that, the reason for the enmity will melt down. Whose inner space the reason for enmity has melted down, he is called "Sadhu". The reason for the fears have been completed. The more and more your reason for enmity gets completed, the more and more your enemy becomes powerless. All the tortures you experience through your enemy and your enmity can be completed. Completion does such POWERFUL thing of making your enemy powerless over you. Because the I and you, the gap melts down. The dam becomes a bamboo. The dam is the root pattern, the bamboos are casual thoughts.

More and more and more Samskara Dahana Kriya will melt down your anxiety patterns. It will make you understand who is your enemy and it will make the strength of your enmity melt down and you will experience the only one, the oneness. The cosmic oneness Advaita Sathya is experience just by PURE non violence. 

The illusory fear that the other part is going to harm you - which is NEVER going to happen - other than this fear itself. This foolish play is being played again and again and again by human beings. Whatever be you background, culture, religion, age, gender - EVERYONE - doing this same drama to themselves. Why? No answer. When the kids are playing by folding their long nail, there is no reason. But when the nail comes out, it is now painful. It is like the right hand and left hand fighting with two swords playfully but suddenly it became serious and they each start cutting the other hand without realizing they are hurting themselves. This is EXACTLY what you are doing to yourself. 

Do more and more completion to integrate the broken parts of your life. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing with eternal bliss - Nithyananda!"

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