Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 2

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

"On Listening

The frightened child wants to protect itself. But it wants to look good for the onlookers. So he says he is waging the war for the world - the world which cannot be destroyed. By its nature, your consciousness cannot be destroyed. Other than your desperation nothing can be killed; nothing needs to be killed. 

The idea you need to defend something - protect something - that aggression.. Because of the aggression you go on talking inside you. 

You talking to you is always incompletion. You listening to you is always completion. Whenever you associate yourself with the listening component of you, you are in completion. 

As of now both are happening - like the Mahabharata war field. Aggression cannot be talking when the listening is listening. When you get into the space of listening God - the Advaita Sathya - speaks to you. 

Understanding what you experience as you in the deepest corner of you when you are listening to you - what you feel as you - is the same as what others experience as them by every being existing is Advaita Sathya. 

All your fights - wars your waging - are your own one part fighting with your own other point. All attachment is your own part wanting another. The person desiring, the desire and the desired are one and the same. 

If you can master your eyes and make it not overflow, you can master the ocean and make it never overflow. It means the energy tat makes your eyes overflow and the ocean overflow ArE one and the same. 


When you associate yourself with the listening part of you and sit with you, you will enter into more and more and more completion. Especially when you sit with a water body. 

In Sanathana dharma we have a process called Ajapajapa - you listening to you chanting. The chanting - the aggressive action - is not emphasized. But the passive listening is emphasized. Passive listening leads to complete completion. Passive listening is the most powerful completion. 

This is the law of life - whenever your energy is put towards talking to you, you are getting into more and more incompletion. But the more and more you listen to you, you will enter into more and more completion. 

Completion introducing itself to you and making you achieve completion is satsang. Other than satsang any talk leads to incompletion. Any listening leads to completion. 

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Even good qualities like non violence, because of self doubt it cannot be called dharma. Everything has to be done from the right context. You should be non violent from the understanding that what you feel about them is the same as what they feel about them. Withdrawal because of self doubt is not dharma. 

Move towards completion more and more by listening to you."

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